3 Mar 2010

Alabama pickets win over scabs

On Monday morning about 60 bus drivers at the University of Alabama, members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1208, took to the picket line.
The university brought in scabs, but students had longer waiting times because so few buses made it out.
Strikers reported small successes, including convincing one scab to drive off after a confrontation. Two other workers who were going to cross the line took off their company jackets and joined the pickets. “Nothing’s ever going to change if you go in there and work for $9.50!” strikers yelled.
The union’s members, officers, and staff are predominantly Black and their fight has given labor struggle a visibility not normally accorded to unions and workers in the Deep South.
The union has filed several unfair labor practice charges over the company’s firing workers for union activity.
West Alabama’s union community has pulled together to support the drivers, too. The powerful Steelworkers Local 351L has given ATU space at their hall for its base of operations.

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